((( aux )))


day / night  
C-@. YT.



... on this subpage i will post some new stuff about Something, my releases, vö dates, thoughts, notes, feelings, off topics or maybe just a bit of personal nonsense. This will be no daily blog, but i think it can be quite useful and informative for some of you. Bygone and archived Aux messages can be found at the bottom of this page.

23.01.2025............... :: in cats we trust <3
15.01.2025............... > achso.. ;) < everybody in the street, get down to the funky beat.
10.01.2025............... Heyo, a wonderful and happy new year to everybody. Hopefully we will find a way thru all that mess and enlighten the world with positive beams instead! And personally excuse the lame and bit 'sick response' sometimes. Man weiß das man Nichts weiß. Kein Grund für Mutmaßungen und -ja- Wahnvorstellungen. Davon gibts bekanntlich mehr als genug da draußen :) Let's focus on the important. Was das neue Doppel Album angeht, gibt es leider keine guten Neuigkeiten. Die Vinylpreise sind derart hoch, dass ich es (momentan) nicht bezahlen kann. We will see. I hope everybody has a good start in their own personal lives. Keep looking towards the bright. Let's hope for peace and goodness. Cheers.
13.12.2024............... I wish you already some warm holidays. Next year then with a new STL double Vinyl. Enjoy the good things!
19.10.2024............... Man weiß das man Nichts weiß. Eine neue Vinyl Platte ist dennoch gewiss und ging jetzt zum Presswerk - das sind doch mal gute News, yeh.
14.09.2024............... FYI Ladies & Gentleman, we were experiencing technical difficulties. The new "further earmates" album was on hold, but is out in streaming & shop realms by now finally! Check your place. Good wishes and thanx!
29.07.2024............... Are newsletters that bad? Depends i think, however Gmail returns newsletters since a while to senders by default. The majority of the something newletter subscribers have a Gmail account! They wont receive these anymore. Another reason why i most possibly stop sending newsletters in the soon future. I am very sorry for all loyal readers and the few customers in the end. I encourage you to check my website here from time to time instead. Releases and news will continue to be updated here manmade.
18.07.2024............... out now:
STL - Further Earmates - Something DGT Series 64.

Hui, has STL Something new to share? Yep, he recently engaged the Equalizers to keep all frequencies clear ; -) A new album has been finished and has been added to the > DGT Series here < It hopefully will be down in town in the next days (check with your download and streaming stores pls). As the title says, it is meant as a positive furtheration to the discography and includes some things worth a listen i think :) At least for me it made sense. Hope you enjoy. Peacemaking wishes. Thanks for checking and have a good one...

infotext:Hello dear listener. The choice you've just made to check here, is probably a sign that you are still one of those, who do enjoy playing a full album of house, techno and music in general. These days informations are so vast, we have to focus and filter out even more and more. It almost became unnatural. The sense is often hoovering above the next headline, the next approval, which we could mesh in our zones, as the next anchor-point and checkmark. It became somewhat difficult to open ourselfs in our natural-meant way and beyond just the next externally provided new thing. On this new STL album 'Further Earmates', it is more the approach of moving beyond the tangent of modern day-to-day consumption. Doing it's thing and sculpting totally from scratch, without much useless outta influences. Everything here has been made with joy, solely in nocturnal jam sessions, under the favor of the night. Like every Stephan Laubner production, all music is representing the dedicated art to create and use unheard, uncommon, self made sounds and frequencies. Not using tinned food. No typical premade drums and presets, no sampled third party- or even stolen sounds at that. The mission to create & research for sound continues here even further. The brushstroke, the art and the detail in the end, hopefully will be not just another sweeping newslet, but music in your ears too. Something to spend one's time, something to feel, something to smile, dance or nod your head to. Go in for it, or not. It is safely protected by the heart. Afterall these new earmates are surely another touching element in a wide-scaled catalog and another unflappable little luvely hymn for the world of sound. Switch of the words now please - leave the world aside and let the music do it's thing. Enjoy!

:: price: 11 euro ( wav download )
:: listen here (m3u)
:: DGT Series page
:: HardWax
22.05.2024............... STL Something Loops - All Of Them in one M3u Playlist --> dig here <--
18.04.2024............... Nice - The new vinyl has landed out there in the record shops. Please check the > Links < page, search the web or give your store a visit...
21.03.2024............... out now:
STL - U Know The Score - Something Vinyl Series 32.

Global warning, a new Something Vinyl hits the planet :-) Finally after long run and beyond all financial logic, i took the plunge and decided to go for another SVS afterall. It was about time. The new STL 12" comes in limited clear-black marbled vinyl, plus the pressing of the usual black normal vinyl. All copies will ship also within a special transparent sleeve. Musically it is resided somewhere between dark techno and deep beauty. You can order the marbled copies for 12 euro from me by Email - check the Buy Something page. The shop >Hard Wax< will distribute & sell the release too along with other shops later... hope you dig it guys. Thank you!

infotext: Get ready. Stephan Laubner aka STL lifts you up and takes you down into the deepest depths of this new Something platter right here. It will flow and rumble in intuitive grounds as well as amaze & thrill your senses there way up high. It will fire stellar emotions and touch the interiors in an unmistakable manner. No matter how current outer realities will look like, this LP will resonate within an unique width and an universal Wirklichkeit. SVS32 gives the space and light to exist in freedom and peace, while also rocking your area in positive faith and with a bad-ass goodness. The tonal aesthetic ascetics for what Something Records are well known for, are reflecting the passion and love for an indepth sound-design, diy synth-programmings and an attitude to drive things mostly at analogue edges of physical audio worlds. Still in an maybe-own-league and with a strong trademark, STL invites you to join the Something Vinyl Series 32 open-hearted. Forget about competetive games or paranoid craze. Love and plain good togetherness will make you free, and will guide you into one's importance - in a more senseful & sure highscore. Something someone could call, a clearer truth. Some place to remain for most of awhile. The vinyl release is coming in two different housings. Limited to 100 transparent copies, plus the usual normal black vinyls. Be quick to grab your desired copy. Tune & groove in. Excite your senses and let the music now embrace you. Enjoy!

:: price: 12 euro ( marbled vinyl )
:: listen here (m3u)
:: Vinyl Series page
:: HardWax, has the black copies too.
17.01.2024............... out now:
STL - Nu Digity - Something DGT Series 63.

Hi guys...The beat goes on. 'Nu Digity' has been released now as a new item of the DGT Series! I took care of all matter and included 13 Tracks with a wide span, residing around house music and across that. I hope you find the time and leisure to join it in a free moment now and in the future at times. You can buy & order a digital album copy from me here. For this please send me an Email to stl@something-records.com with your order wish. Thanks for checking by. Cheers!

Heyo, please welcome STL's Nu Digity on your eardrums and between your braindrills. The desired redemption comes in form of a digital download & streaming album, as soon as you launch play on this pack of 13 cool deep house toons. From colorful to nebulous. Crisp rasp grooves and dirty calibre beyond usual. Stephan Laubner hits your senses with traces of substantial gravity, yet jaunty and intuitive with a certain groove for logic and positive functions. Time is unimportant now and from now on. These sounds are made to remain. Hopefully in this time, place and moment, as well as in those undetected ones at your personal end. What most likely can be said is, that all music has been made with the love for a good portion of details and bias to the unheard goodness. Still settled at jacking and to on-point moving affairs. Enjoy Something DGT Series 63 best with a smile, and a joyful basic adjustment. Hit the button. Take the bait. Now and once in a while. Let the music play.

:: price: 11 euro
:: listen here (m3u)
:: DGT Series page
17.01.2024............... Press F11 on your Keyboard now. Hit it hard. Hit it quick ; )
09.01.2024............... Let us all have a good one yo! A new album called 'STL - Nu Digity' has been finished. Check back in a month or sooner here, for joining it. It will be a DGT item. Furthermo, more STL music is about to come out this year on a Something 12", if everything is running smooth. Also maybe a little inside about old Perlon/STL tunes that has been released previously: Perlon's TF and me didn't find a new agreement about updating & renewing deals (The Perlon label was not agreeing to it - i was not agreeing to them), so we canceled (re)signing and updating all outdated contracts & deals and finally agreed with eachother there, that all rights, of every STL track on Perlon, are going completely back to me or still are with me. So expect some well-approved refreshments here and there, on Something or third parties maybe. Peace. STL on other labels will come too... a bit on voodoo down records and something on goldmin music. Cheers and hugs!
16.12.2023............... End-of-year greetings from here already. I wish happy holidays and a good slide into the new year. See you in the next one, fresh and groovy ;-)
peace and <3!
15.12.2023............... Und ergänzend entgegnete Ungut dem anderen Ungut einst: "der müsse zudem beweisen, dass es überhaupt von ihm stammt". Oder eben nicht. Verdammt, denk mal drüber nach. Wahrheitsgehalt, Behauptungen und Täuschung betrifft uns alle. Aktueller denn je...ki. Ich weiss von nix ist vlt manchmal besser, ja sogar schlauer! Vor Ewigkeiten sprach Konfuzius bereits "Was die Menge hasst, musst Du prüfen. Was die Menge liebt, musst Du prüfen" ...also, let's continue to be smart & clever - und immer guten Rundumblick ::-) !!
18.11.2023............... Echospace[detroit] has done a re-run and the infinite-1 vinyl is currently available again. It inludes the cv313 infinite original, a remodel and the stl-remix. check if you have missed previously. >hard wax here< has it too.
18.10.2023............... The human animal's most unique skills, gonna be it's most supposable downfall.
23.09.2023............... just inside the mind... what's going on?
13.09.2023............... sorry... ich schreib keinen Song drüber! Stay positive - ätsch du Zwiebel :-)
27.08.2023............... Der ewige Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse. Das Böse kommt mit all seiner Machtverfressenheit, dem Hass, der Zerstörungswut. Es macht Pläne, ist falsch und hinterlistig. Das Gute hingegen ist oft einfach nur! Die Liebe - ein ewiges Licht, welches niemals ganz erlischt. Wann lernen wir endlich dazu und wann macht der Mensch seinen Frieden mit diesem Schicksal?
15.07.2023............... Ai, sound is an artform.. aww shit !!!
13.07.2023............... Hallo, guten Abend... ein paar Sätze. Dies und das. Einblicke, jenes und welches zur Lage hier im verrückten technoland: Also ich mach jetzt wahrscheinlich fast mein ganzes Leben lang Musik, bastel an Klängen rum und nehme komische Geräusche auf. Unvermeidlich das ich irgendwann anfing was rauszubringen. Das Label Something gibts nun auch seit ungefähr 20 Jährchen und ich nähere mich so langsam dem 1000en veröffentlichten Track. Jo, genug hab ich noch nicht. Ist ne Herzenssache und ich bin immer noch hungrig genug um mir endlos Ambient, House und sonstig komische Sounds in den Schädel zu ballern. Ob die jemand hören will? Steht auf nem anderen Blatt! Denke mal, es gibt sicherlich noch Bedarf - auch wenn Mucke im allgemeinen bei vielen einen anderen Stellenwert bekommen hat. Die Zeiten wandeln sich - nicht überall zum Guten. Wenn die Leute vor ein paar Jahrzehnten quasi Musik geatmet haben, halten heute stattdessen andere, meist schneller konsumierbare, Inhalte und Zeivertreibe Einzug in die Masse. Das Neue fehlt halt. Der Aufbruch war mal. Heute? Dieser ganze handykram und so, jup... X Chatgruppen, Palaber, Wirrwarr und Oberflächlichkeiten sind oft bei vielen so was man konsumiert. Bei einigen, nicht wenigen Dingen müssen wir nicht mal mehr selbst denken. Verzerrte Trugbilder. Wir halten uns daran was die Mehrheit, gewisse Filterblasen, oder gar irgendeine KI, so im Durschschnitt, ausmitteln tut. Man googelt das dann halt einfach. Und hier? Das tangiert mich auch manchmal - ja. Beim Musikmachen und Herrausbringen vom Tonträgern. Bewusst oder unbewusst. Es ist leicht da den Zusammenhang zu übersehen. Dennoch - mal einen Abend mit nur einem einzigen Klang und das stundenlange vertiefen in Sound Design... das geht tatsächlich noch. Auch heute. Man muss nur mal dem ganzen Wahnsinn mit der Posterei, dem Socialgetue, seinem Ego, mal eine Zeit lang nicht so viel Aufmerksamkeit und Bedeutung, Wertigkeit und Raum geben. Sich Zeit lassen. Das passiert halt nicht alles auf Knopfdruck. Die heute fast vergessenen Horizonte, die Vorstellungkraft, das Geträume, das war vielleicht alles garnicht so schlecht. Das müsste man beibehalten. Das von damals. Als man nicht alles vorgesetzt bekam. Klar der Kopf wird irgendwann bequem und träge darin neue Verkabelungen zu ziehen, je älter wir werden. Auch schleichen sich da neue Gewohnheiten, neue Marotten ein. Manche verfestigen sich. Die vielen kleinen Helferlein, Apps und Lebensvereinfacherer. Oft ist's aber eigentlich nur unverdauter und alltagsdienlicher Kram, der einem gerade so recht und gelegen kommt. Ohne wirkliche Substanz und ziemlich flach. Jedenfalls wärs bestimmt ganz gut wenn die Welt mal wieder ein bischen runterkommt. Mal durchatmet. Man muss ja nicht alles kommunizieren, tausend selfies-machen, kommentieren, teilen um endlos neuen Profit auf sein Sozialprofil draufschlagen. Ist doch alles für die Flitzekatz. Ich für meinen Teil bin normalerweise ziemlich locker drauf was das angeht, merke aber auch, dass man mal etwas mehr Zeit mit dem verbracht hat, was wirklich wichtig war. Naja Einige hatten da aber vielleicht auch nie was.. Wie dem auch sei, es hat jetzt hier nichts mit einer eventueller Kleinkariertheit zu tun glaube ich. Vielleicht ein bischen Neuzeitverdrossenheit. Ja, das kann sein. Aber gut das wir nicht alle gleich jecken... Laber Palaber. Ich wollte eigentlich ja noch kurz was zum Label und den VÖs schreiben... :) Also physikalische Tonträger laufen leider seit eingier Zeit überall und bei vielen Musikern nicht besonders gut. Mein letztes Album war auf nem USB Drive. Die nächste VÖ könnte aber wieder ne Vinyl werden. Muss schauen wie genau das was wird. Musik gibt es genug... aber dann.. wer kauft die? Wen interessiert's denn? Eine Vinyl-Angebotsanfrage beim Presswerk war ernüchternd. Das läuft so nicht wie erhofft. Was ich evtl machen kann, wäre dieses Jahr vielleicht ne 12", aber keine Doppelte. Auch das wird wieder schwierig. Dazu muss man sagen, dass ich hier absoluter DIY-Einzelkämpfer bin. Ich habe weder Geldgeber, bin meistens sehr knapp bei Kasse und alles ist immer ne scheiss Rechnerei, um sowas gestemmt zu bekommen. Hier im Nirgendwo haben sich auch fast alle spannenden Kontakte verflüchtigt. Ne Bigband bin ich auch nicht, wo man mal mit Kollegen zusammenlegen könnte. Also bleibt nur die ewige Dümpelei mit den Moneten um sowas realisert zu bekommen. Oft macht das große Ganze, das Label, auch nur insgesamt in der Summe, Sinn. Einzelne VÖs bringen immer nicht viel ein. Der Cat allerdings existiert und schmökert so genüsslich vor sich hin. Gut so. Tja, auch hat sich das Studio in all der Zeit, seit meinem ersten Release, weiter entwickelt. Eigentlich ist das schon krass. Ich hab echt nicht viel Kram hier. Und das was ich habe hab ich zäherweise zusammen gespart. Manchmal überleg ich so, wenn ich doch was von einem imaginären verstorbenden Onkel, ner Tante oder nem toten Opa vor etlichen Jahren, geerbt hätte. Quasi ein fertiges physikalisches Tonstudio für umme. Beknackte Pusteblume. So wars ja nicht. Alles kam nach und nach wann immer es ging. Hach, nehme an mit 80 werd ich hier vlt fertig sein. Und das obwohl man immer die absolute Priorität hat: Musik produzieren. Tja die dinglichen Realitäten.. grr.. Laber Palaber Teil 2...meine Finger fliegen über die Tastatur. Mittelscharfer Senf? Eitelkeit? Bedenken schleichen sich ein. Egogespräche? Fuck. ..naja gut... ist ja nur Aux und ein bischen Marmelade. Vielleicht gar nicht mal verkehrt - so manch eine Pappnase und Peeple, wird sich hier vlt entertained fühlen, hehe.. umpf. Naja Peace! Als Resume vielleicht: Ne 12" ist in der Planung, eventuell mit 1 Track von dem Panaudicom Album, dann also auf Vinyl. Und neue Beats und unveröffentlichte Lieder jibbet auch schon. Wie gesagt, daran scheitert es nicht. Die Platten-Realität allerdings suckt! Wenn das alles nicht so klumpen würde, hätte es auch schon längst ne neue Vinyl gegeben. Tut mir echt Leid. Die Patentlösung kenn ich nicht. Also weiter reinhängen und das beste langsam heraus werkeln. One-Man-Orchestra-Blues over & out. Im Endeffekt sitzen viele im gleichen Boot, nech. Und mal abgesehen von der Musik, gibt es in diesem Krankenhaus, was sich da Welt nennt, auch immer wieder ganz andere Probleme... so, Feierabend nu... bis bald & Gute Nacht ;-)
07.07.2023............... HardWax (distribution) got a lot of my Something vinyls in stock, guys.
02.06.2023............... Out now:
The Panaudicom album has entered the digital realms.:

STL - Panaudicom - Part XD-01 - Something DGT Series 61.
STL - Panaudicom - Part XD-02 - Something DGT Series 62.


For the digital world, STL's Panaudicom has been splitted into 2 digital album parts. Both appearing on the DGT Series now. They are containing all the same tracks, yet without the USB XDJ Drive bonus material, but plus 2 unheard and new exclusive tracks. You can buy the digital album from me as WAV downloads for each 12 € via > mailorder < ...pls check also the buy something page. Of course it is available in other distributed download shops like >hardwax< or >beatport< etc, and it's also ghosting around within streaming applications of your choice!

:: price: 12 euro each
:: part 01 / listen here
:: part 02 / listen here
:: dgt series page
13.04.2023............... out now here:
STL - Panaudicom - Something XDJ Series 01.

The First XDJ Series item lifts off! It is available solely here via my website. It is a physical release (not digital as streams or downloads yet). Be aware, it is not a cassette but an USB Drive. Also due to it's format (USB Stick), it isn't available in the usual store-cosmos out there, but only to buy & mailorder at my website right here. Over 5 hours playtime. Limited quantity.


Dear Listener, please welcome the first XDJ Series item on Something Records. We all know music today is coming to your ears in various forms. Nowadays the important thing about it is probably the music itself, less the format. However the first XDJ is somehow special. It is an USB Stick within the body & shape of a Cassette. Thus STL's Panaudicom gives all power and raw content to the user and customer. 33 tracks to discover. Over 5 hours playtime. All compiled, created and summed up on this long playing album with good faith and intention to satisfy. It is the perfect companion for spending a day or another in eclectic electric sound dimensions and to dream and drift far away of those usual corners of your cosmos. Universal language. Beyond the haze & craze of those often mindless surface tensions maybe. STL's Panaudicom is telling this narrative matter in a kindly engaging way. While always feeling at home, the listener never have to leave the comfort zone, yet gonna be tickled and animated to move some bodily parts along the groove and essential moods of all these colorful tracks. The music on XDJ-01 is all-over amiable, even in it's darkest moments. It is the shape and bubbly warmth of every drum. The mood and freshness of every individual sound. That is what makes Panaudicom another ace extraordinarily Something joint again. Already known. Officially. Yet still adorable. Get into the groove. Follow your intentional instructions. The Importancies. Peace, love & music.

:: price: 22 euro
:: listen here
:: XDJ Series page
25.03.2023............... New day, new dawn. Bygone messages between 2018 and 2022 has been archived at the bottom of the main aux page. Just in case you would like to dig into them. As always, text only, without any working links or fotos.

16.03.2023............... On air or wire: A recent radio-show of an 1 hour mix by me is archived here now at > mutant radio's soundcloud page < tune in.
27.02.2023............... The website has been updated including a new feature: shopping of DGT Series digital albums. You can buy all the DGTs now as downloads in Wav format from me. It is important here, that - only Full Albums - can be purchased. No individual or single tracks! I hope this is still interesting for some of you. Zip files of bought albums will be personalizised and send to customers, available each for download at a certain short timespan. Please send all orders and wishes to stL@something-records.com. Also the upcoming 'XDJ Series' replaces the initially called 'CDJ Series' now. The first XDJ item should be available in a few weeks or months, stay tuned for this. Thanks & have a nice one :-)
19.02.2023............... A new clip has been uploaded to youtube: >STL - Body Musique - SVS 22<
07.02.2023............... I've deleted the snippet parts from 4.2.23 and moved them into one single file, there at the > Free Sound Of The Moment page <
04.02.2023............... Sneak, sneak..this is where my ears are @, currently and since a while:

> STL mp3snippets PART-01 <
> STL mp3snippets PART-02 <
> STL mp3snippets PART-03 <
> STL mp3snippets PART-04 <

*edit: the 4 links are dead...
please stay tuned with it for a possible release, peace out.

02.02.2023............... > Anti-Exekutives-Modular-Funktions-WirrWarr <
25.01.2023............... Hi! Nu MiX uploaded. Check the flying saucer. Bye =)
19.01.2023............... "Unser aller Welt wär' kalt und rein dingbar, wär' da nicht die Software" The love = the good software in every being that connects all of us beyond matter, deep & true in each of our hearts. And thanks of course: still sense for loyal and honest support for each single something-music does actually mean something. >Nu Modular Youtube Vid< uploaded yesterday, cheers.
15.01.2023............... Are you aware of the almighty > Deus Ex Machina < yet?

t i m e l i n e . t e x t :
+ year................ 2021 to 2022 ( click here )
+ year................ 2018 to 2020 ( click here )
+ year................ 2016 to 2017 ( click here )
+ year................ 2012 to 2015 ( click here )

too much on my mind